segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2007


I want somebody to do what you are unable to do.
Loose leaves, what you say is loose leaves!
You make souls aspire to Me.
You go ahead; you reach like this to Me, you reach like this!

You touched the Infinite,
You live by the Infinite,
You speak about the Infinite!
Oh, life of God in souls!

Jesus to Bd Alexandrina

domingo, 29 de julho de 2007


One day after Bd Alexandrina’s next liturgical memory, in 14th October, will arrive to Balasar, from Recife, Brazil, the Fr Marian Pinho’s mortal remains. Bd Alexandrina’s first spiritual director has been banished in 1946; however we know that he was a holy priest and therefore his return is like a triumph. Indeed Jesus has promised to Bd Alexandrina that he will climb “the altars honor”.
There is a Fr. Marian Pinho’s website:
In 14th October will be in Balasar many Portuguese people, some Italian pilgrims and, we hope, an Irish pilgrimage.

sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2007


Works published by the Signoriles with authorship attributed to Alexandrina:
Figlia del dolore, madre di amore. Quasi una autobiografia, Mimep-Docete, Pessano (MI), 1993 (768 pages).
Mio Signore, mio Dio! Come pregava Alexandrina, Mimep-Docete, Milan, 1992 (a Portuguese translation was published with the title Vida Interior da Beata Alexandrina, Apostolado da Oração, Braga, 2004, with authorship attributed to Eugénie and Chiaffredo Signorile).
Maria, mia Madre. Come Alexandrina sente la Madonna, Mimep-Docete, Pessano (MI), 1987.
Anima pura, cuore di fuoco, Mimep-Docete, Pessano (MI), 1990 (widely illustrated; it has been translated into English and Portuguese, but not published).
Venite (richiami di Gesù), Mimep-Docete, Pessano (MI), 1991.
Sofferenza amata, Mimep-Docete, Pessano (MI), 1999.
Ho sete di voi, Mimep-Docete, Pessano (MI), 2004.
Solo per Amore!, Mimep-Docete, Pessano (MI), 2006 (this book, conceived as an autobiography, has already translated into Portuguese and English; it is a highly thought of work).
Zampilli Incandescenti, Mimep-Docete, Milan, 2007.

Works published with authorship attributed the C.E. Signorile:
Croce e sorriso, Associazione “Sotto il manto di Maria Regina della Pace”, Gorgonzola (MI), 2002 (there is Portuguese translation with the heading of Sorrindo à dor, Cavaleiro da Imaculada, Oporto, 2001, with authorship attributed to Alexandrina Maria da Costa).
Sulle ali del dolore, Gamba Edizioni, Gorgonzola (MI), 2004.
Alexandrina, voglio imparare da te, Gamba Edizioni, Gorgonzola (MI), 2004 (this work, conceived as a vade-mecum for Alexandrina’s friends, is translated into Portuguese; in the Monthly Page of the Official Website it is also translated into Spanish, English, French and still, in part, into German and Slovene).

Work published in collaboration with Giulio Giacometti and Piero Sessa:
La Gloria dell'Uomo dei Dolori nel sorriso di Alexandrina, Edizioni Segno, Tavagnacco (UD), 2005.

quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2007


The Signoriles are an Italian couple, Mathematics and Physics teachers at the Liceo Beccaria, in Milan (, who made an intensive study of Bld Alexandrina. They collaborated with the Fr Umberto Pasquale at the time of the Diocesan Informative Process, which took place in Braga between 1967 and 1973, translating the five thick volumes of the Sentiments of the Soul.
Professor Chiaffredo, born 9th October 1913 in Stroppo, in the province of Cuneo, died on 13th October 1999. But his wife, Professor Eugénie Signorile, born 9th September 1914 in Milan, still publishes books on Alexandrina.
Neither of them knew Alexandrina alive.

quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2007


We have already some texts in Chinese to place in the official Website. A page will soon be created for them.
See the main title of those texts:

terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2007


For Love Alone!

In the Bd Alexandrina’s Official Website there are other books in English about her. The most important is the excellent work, written by Eugénie Signorile in 2006, For Love Alone! (in Italian Solo per Amore!) and whose authorship is attributed to Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa (
It is there also in the original Italian version, in Portuguese and in French.
A second book by the same authoress can be read in the Monthly Page, between June 2006 ( and June 2007. Its original Italian title is Alexandrina, voglio imparare da Te! and in English Alexandrina, I want to learn from you!
There is yet a third book translated into English, Alexandrina, teach me, which can be provided to whoever wants to read it.
And must no be forgotten the main English page of the same website,
On the next 14th October, we hope will be published in Balasar the book To the Ends of Earth, by Jose Ferreira, which will have also Portuguese edition.

segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2007


Two books

The situation for English-speaking people wishing to read about Bd Alexandrina has deeply changed in the most recent years.
Leo Madigan, who has written many books on Fatima, where he lives, published in 2005 his Blessed Alexandrina da Costa, the mystical Martyr of Fatima (
Also Kevin Rowles, living in England, published other booklet on the subject: Blessed Alexandrina, a living miracle of the Eucharist (, which can be read on line in the Bd Alexandrina’s Official Website:
But this is not all.


Alexandrina, the Agony and the Glory

For much time, the readers of the English language had only, on the Bd Alexandrina, the book Alexandrina, the Agony and the Glory (,
written by Francis Johnston. As he explains in the acknowledgements: “this first English language book on the Blessed Alexandrina da Costa owes much to the excellent Italian biography Alexandrina, Libreria Dottrina Cristiana, Turin, 1960, by Fr Umberto Pasquale SDB”.
In the second edition, widely illustrated, there is a photograph where can be seen in Balasar Francis Johnston, Fr Umberto and Deolinda.
This book had a great success, which is confirmed by its current promulgation: it can be found on line in various websites and also for sale in many places. There is even the case where it appears in a Japanese page:

domingo, 22 de julho de 2007


One month ago an Italian group came to Balasar and brought the Alexandrina’s beautiful Icon. Its iconographer, Domenica Ghidotti, came too.
There is an original copy of this icon in Nave, in Italy; between that of Balasar and the original version of Nave exist some little differences.


There are each time more English-speaking people visiting Bd Alexandrina’s Official Website:
Therefore it will be useful to provide them up-to-date information on what is written and is done about her. This is the only reason of this blog.